Saturday, February 22, 2020

Management Case Study of Xerox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Case Study of Xerox - Essay Example Eventually, it will evaluate whether or not hiring and promoting women and minorities has been unfair to white men. Human resource professionals are at a good position to help in ensuring that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. They can do this through a number of ways. For instance, they may organize various trainings so as to teach top leaders on how to protect the profits of the organization, a step that may encourage the top leaders to abide by the laws, and go on to encourage other employees to do the same. In addition, the federal government supervises the recruitment of workers as well as the protection of their rights, especially if the workers happen to come from organizations that do business with the government. This prevents such organizations from manipulating the implementation of laws and guideline due to the fear of a contract cancellation that may reduce the organization’s profits. A clear understanding o f this motivates the leaders to introduce programs and policies that openly show such organizations are protecting the rights of all employees. Top leaders can also be involved in safety promotion campaigns within the work environments. Their priority should be to influence managers and employees, since workers who have safety in mind always look forward to abiding by safety laws when at work (Stuart, 2011). Human resource professionals can also establish monthly rendezvous with the top leaders concerning the laws and guidelines. They may use such opportunities to show the leaders the best ways of helping employees to abide to laws. Responsibilities attached to organizational legal matters should be taken seriously on a â€Å"daily basis,† and as such, the human resource professionals will use the meetings to sensitize organizational leaders on the seriousness of such responsibilities. It is after this that the leaders will pass such knowledge to not only their management sta ff but also other employees. Also, employees always tend to â€Å"follow their leaders.† Therefore, compliance to laws and guidelines can be encouraged more when organizational leaders also demonstrate a high sense of commitment to complying with the laws and guidelines. The leaders have to be committed to complying with laws that promote diversity and safety in the work place (Stuart, 2011). Organizational leaders also need to be made aware of the importance of not only effective communication but also awareness and training. Leaders need to effectively communicate the importance of not only safety but also diversity, to managerial staff and other employees. It can be done by making available awareness posters at the work environment, trainings on-line and conducting small â€Å"work-group seminars.† The human resource professionals should also encourage the organizational leaders to monitor as well as measure the â€Å"key results of the hiring process, to include h iring and recruiting minorities.† By keeping track of such things, it will be a pure proof that the organization complies with federal provisions. Leaders also need to found incentive programs for not only managers but also other junior employees. If the rates of accidents is relatively low and â€Å"no diversity issues are brought up† then the groups deserve to be rewarded for complying with the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Importance of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Importance of Education - Essay Example So second thing to look for is the fee structure and the scholarship facilities, not every student can pay high fees that mostly good universities ask for so they apply for scholarships which are mostly need based or on high academic records of the students. So a mediocre student who is not financially stable and does not have a sound academic record can not avail the facility of studying at high reputed universities (Runciman, 2009). Then what is left is the infrastructure of a university if that is well formed and is feasible for a student to adapt. So a university should then be evaluated on the basis of the facilities it is providing to the students such as transport, building and communication system among the management and the students. Location of a university also matters a lot while deciding because mostly students prefer the universities in their home town or nearby location to avoid the cultural shock, cost of living, daily life facilities such as nearby shopping stores, bank and the accommodation issues which can be a great nuisance for students (McChesney, 1999). Some students also opt for the universities abroad again they have to go through all the above process of evaluation for selection one of the thousands of universities (Kaplan, 2003). Advertisements of these universities play a vital role as they create awareness among the students in other countries of their existence and the facilities they provide so that students do not have much problem researching about these universities, their repute, fee structure, infra structure and scholarship facilities (Johnson, 1978). After evaluating all the factors mentioned above a student may choose the university that is highest on the feasibility... As the paper declares  mostly students from their very early student life choose a field of interest and from there the process of university selection starts and when it is about time they have sorted out which university is best for them but still there are students who have a pool of choices around them and it is really hard for them to pick just one. So they start evaluating among the pool of universities on the basis of their infra structure, popularity, fee structure, scholarship facilities, location and advertisement.This essay stresses that availability of accommodation and the employability of an institute remain to be the most important factors which help students in decision making. All of the students study hard to reach Master’s programme level and they definitely want to get a surety about future employment and that is why this information plays a vital role in decision making. In reply to the third question that if the students know that Nottingham Trent Unive rsity (NTU) offers scholarships or not, the respondents have said that majority of them know about the scholarship offered by NTU before entering the university. 23 out of 30 claimed that they knew about the scholarship offering by NTU. 7 participants said they did not know about it.  When the 30 participants were asked about the ranking of universities, a clear majority of them agreed that they would like to go to better ranked universities.