Thursday, August 27, 2020

Corporate Advertising Campaigns for Consumers

Theoretical Corporate publicizing efforts impacts incredibly general sentiment particularly on the need of ecological obligation. The promoting efforts are utilized as methods for arriving at bigger populace. The examination investigations issues on shopper security and the advantages organizations get in considering partners while promoting their image products.Advertising We will compose a custom exploration paper test on Corporate Advertising Campaigns for Consumers explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The presentation gives general outline on green showcasing and its effects on purchasers. Different suppositions identified with corporate social obligation are point by point inside the writing audit followed by IAG case introduction and conversation then at long last end. Presentation Green showcasing comprises of different exercises concentrated on fulfilling human needs with extreme decreased negative effects on the general public. This guarantees the enthusias m everything being equal, association and purchasers, are all around ensured. The purchaser and the vender ought to commonly profit by the willful trade occurring inside the commercial center. Customers everywhere throughout the world are commonly getting worried about ecological conditions particularly the notices on green-washing. Green-washing is a term used to allude to the different promoting and advertising utilized in distorting associations and items dependent on manageability and ecological advantages. Examination done in Australia in mid 1990s, uncovered that 85% of the contemplated test put stock in their obligation towards the earth. Over 80% of the example likewise concurred on the way that they changed their buying propensities attributable to ecological reasons. Subsequently, the end that naturally cordial firms engaged with showcasing, have upper hand over those advertising non-ecologically dependable products (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). It is signific ant for firms to understand their job inside the more extensive society, henceforth lead their exercises in an earth dependable way. This ordinarily emerges from the conviction that benefit related targets ought to be accomplished close by natural objectives.Advertising Looking for research paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Governments consistently endeavor to shield customers from promoting related exercises through formation of guidelines identifying with natural showcasing. The endeavors made by governments to shield customers from different abuses give buyers chance of settling on educated choices (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). Basic survey of writing Corporate social duty along with financial and ecological obligation has been pushed inside the Australian culture from 1950s. The practices have developed quickly inside the 21st century (de Bakker et al, 2005). Ecological and s ocial requests have become significant worry to the both open and private area, with natural requests getting progressively featured in many distributions. There are articulated duties by most governments around the globe to ensure condition through such understandings as Kyoto Protocol and IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Social obligation of business element consolidates different areas, for example, monetary, lawful, moral just as positive standard desires that buyers have over associations at specific time period. The activities by different business substances should cultivate some regular great to the general public past close to home enthusiasm of the firm dependent on the necessary laws (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001, p. 117). All business associations are really committed to the benefit of their social and regular habitat. Traditional prerequisites of organization’s social obligations are focused on creation of benefits and the connection between the a ssociation and scope of partners. Associations for the most part influence different gatherings inside the social condition as a result of their exercises. Thus the center ought to stretch out past financial increases and furthermore include social, ecological and administration measurements. Most associations use the media when passing on significant data on imaginative practices they try to legitimize. The media gives the channel through which subjective authenticity is fabricated dependent on business authoritative exercises. A similar direct can be utilized in remaking hierarchical brand picture at whatever point being referred to. Business associations ordinarily use impression and emergency the executives practices to sharpen buyers on their dedication towards earth cordial exercises. For this situation study, the proposed assessment is outfitted towards remaking authenticity by individual organizations.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on Corporate A dvertising Campaigns for Consumers explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Organization’s picture can without much of a stretch be worked through media exercises where they look to impact open responses towards their items, administrations and other related activities. Then again, media can too be utilized by associations to scrutinize others’ rehearses during the time spent advancing their own. The impacts of open responses towards company’s brand picture as a rule have long haul impacts. Authenticity inside the commercial center is socially developed in such a way, that the different practices give the necessary outline on methods of moving toward social collaborations (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). Introduction of IAG case Organizations endeavor to elevate their plans to the open dependent on environmental change. There has been heaps of legislative issues encompassing worldwide ecological issues prompting development of different i ntrigue gatherings. Such gatherings have attempted to impact general assessments in a somewhat eccentric manners. Be that as it may, imposing commitments have been related with the worldwide protection industry. The business has been known for its dynamic cooperation in social duties. One of the negative ramifications confronting the organization is the issue of running bankrupt attributable to climate related fiascos. Most insurance agencies are in situation concerning future premium charges because of absence of outline from past climatic examples. Protection industry impacts issues on climatic changes by guaranteeing coal-terminated force plants just as wind ranches, simultaneously it advances rates equipped for encouraging emanations from different organizations. The Australian Insurance Group (IAG) remains as one of the protection bunches with the conviction that recurrence on events of cataclysmic events are set to happen because of the pace of a worldwide temperature alterati on. Endurance of most protection firms rotates around their capacity to effectively handle issues on a dangerous atmospheric devation with the expectations that the expense of carbon will eventually request costs of doing business sooner rather than later. Be that as it may, IAG has created impressive procedures equipped for managing climatic difficulties. The majority of the techniques are showcase arranged with the capacity to separate company’s brand from others dependent on their attention on maintainability and ecological responsibility.Advertising Searching for research paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Different techniques tends to issues on carbon impartiality, atmosphere help, markdown on eco-friendly vehicles, promoting efforts on carbonators among others (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). IAG had plans of controlling the gathering towards turning out to be carbon impartial constantly 2012. This was implied at bringing down outflows by the utilization of carbon credits from different sources. The degree of carbon outflows from the Group’s business premises in Australia diminished by around 18%. The modifications included utilization of vitality effective lighting framework, clocks and changes on cooling just as involving a vitality productive structure. The organization likewise utilized, Climate Help apparatus, which is an online device utilized by clients during the time spent balancing nursery discharges related with vehicle use. Buyers considered the procedure exceptionally advantageous and economical methods for moderating negative ecological change. The site gives data on environmental change and simultaneously offer guidance on the significance of using different methods of transport and eco-friendly vehicles. IAG built up an incorporated interactive media crusade out of the site coming about into huge increment in the quantity of individuals utilizing carbon cards (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). At that point there was the utilization of GreenSafe vehicle profiler which aided the assessment of every engine vehicle brought into the Australian business dependent on security and natural practicality. The procedure makes correlation between vehicle models dependent on their degree of emanations just as general expenses. IAG Company turn into remunerating buyers with eco-friendly vehicles henceforth saving money on protection costs. In another viewpoint, IAG assumes a significant job in affecting climatic detailing components in Australia. Additionally there is the part of carbonators advertising effort by NRMA Queensland where counterbalancing was accomplished for each new arrangement. The offer of carbonators utilized the underlying methodology of inventiveness before initiating value approach. This aided in separating the organization inside the market making the organization experience expanded strategy recharges, all the more new clients and diminished stir (McDonnell and Bartlett, 2009, pp. 63-70). Approach towards partners Corporate social duty inside the organization is plainly connected with different organizations inside the market. There are conceivable outcomes of the business to be in contact and struggle with other key partners dependent on mindful business

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Identification of the risk in the GYM-Free-Samples-Myassignment

Question: Create Risk Management Options for Gym by Considering It as a Business College is Australian College of Sports and Fitness. Answer: Distinguishing proof of the hazard In recognizing the hazard in the exercise center and wellness focus, the principal strategy is to distinguish the potential zones from where the plausible hazard can get started (Pritchand PMP, 2014). Meeting and SWOT investigation are being started so as to distinguish the plausible danger of the Australian school of sports and wellness. SWOT examination is being utilized so as to recognize the potential dangers and shortcomings of the associations (Raspotnig Opadahl, 2013). Meeting strategy is being utilized so as to assemble the reaction from the clients and the coaches in the wellness place in regards to the potential zones of hazard. Recognized shortcomings A portion of their exercise center types of gear are very more established contrasted with the new age devices utilized. In this manner, chance identified with the injury of the clients from the more seasoned types of gear is more. As of now they are not having any branch separated from their principle community. In this manner, the market nearness is less contrasted with their rivals. Recognized dangers New age exercise center focuses are furnishing different included offices alongside giving better supplies. This is pulling in more clients contrasted with Australian school of sports and wellness. In this way, likelihood of money related hazard is more (Christoffersen, 2012). This association isn't having legitimate and forward-thinking offices and feeling for their clients contrasted with their rivals. In this way, danger of negative verbal exchange from the current clients is more alongside having the danger of deferral in giving legitimate clinical consideration in the event of any setbacks. Arrangements of dangers recognized Operational hazard: One of the key dangers recognized is the operational hazard. This is because of the explanation that, in the above investigation, it is being distinguished that Australian school of sports and wellness is having sub-par quality types of gear contrasted with their rivals (Lam, 2013). Along these lines, possibility of operational hazard is there because of the likelihood of mishaps because of the supplies. Danger: Another recognized hazard is the danger. This is because of the explanation that, wellness and rec center focuses are legitimately identified with the wellbeing of the clients. There may have mishaps from the exercise center types of gear, which will demonstrate danger for the clients. Specialized hazard: Technical hazard is likewise applicable and distinguished because of the explanation that, apparatuses and instruments can have specialized issues whenever (McNeil, Frey Embrechts, 2015). In this way, specialized dangers are being related with the wellness community. Cost hazard: Cost chance is likewise being related with this wellness place because of the explanation that, start of the negative verbal exchange from the current clients will have negative effect on their business possibility (Khodakarami Abdi, 2014). In this way, they will lose new clients alongside the decrease in the age of income. Hazard evaluation Likelihood Effect Recognized hazard Minor Moderate Major Extraordinary Related partners Operational hazard Uncommon Low Low Low Medium Clients and coaches. Danger Moderate Low Low Medium Medium Clients and coaches Specialized hazard Likely Low Medium Medium High Mentors and other interior partners Cost hazard Likely Medium Medium Medium High Senior inward administration Low Medium High Hazard evaluation examination From the above evaluation of the recognized dangers, it is being seen that in dominant part of the cases, both the interior and outer partners are being included. Likelihood of operational hazard is uncommon because of the explanation that, occasional support of the types of gear is being completed. In any case, there is a moderate possibility of having extraordinary effect on the association because of its more effect territory (Li, 2014). Dangers are having moderate possibility of event because of the explanation that, wellbeing can't be viably and completely started. Nonetheless, it isn't having high effect because of the explanation that, wellbeing and wellbeing are being dealt with in this wellness community. Specialized hazard is having increasingly possibility of event because of essence of the instruments and hardware in the exercise center focus. Additionally, it is having danger of extraordinary effect because of the explanation that, beginning of the security issues may ha ve gigantic ramifications on the inside partners. Likelihood of the cost hazard is likewise high because of the explanation that, in the present business situation, they are having immense number of contenders and along these lines, decrease in income age can happen whenever. Hazard treatment alternatives There are different alternatives accessible for the hazard treatment, for example, evasion, decrease and acknowledgment. Evasion alludes to the way toward keeping away from the likely territories of beginning of the hazard in the association. Australian school of game and wellness can maintain a strategic distance from the utilization of the more established types of gear so as to keep away from the related dangers. Decrease alludes to the moderation of the started chance. For this situation, they can give legitimate emergency treatment office so as to lessen the effect of the wellbeing danger. Acknowledgment alludes to the maintenance of the hazard that can't be moderated or forestalled in the business (Menoni et al., 2012). Australian school of sports and wellness ought to acknowledge the way that dangers will be there regardless of how much precautionary measures will be started. Assessment and checking of the hazard the board The initial phase in assessing the hazard the executives is to distinguish the key issues, which will be alleviated by the usage of the hazard the executives. It is will help in further strides to screen whether the issues are being alleviated or not. The following stage includes contrasting the result of the hazard the board with that of the normal targets. This will assist with distinguishing the adequacy of the hazard the executives in the association. The following stage is to distinguish the outside business condition. This is because of the explanation that in the present business situation, business situation change is quickly happening. Along these lines, the adjustment in the business situation ought to be viably recognized so as to alter the strategies in like manner. The subsequent stage is to alter the current hazard the executives plan as per the adjustment in the present business situation. This will assist with upgrading the viability of the hazard the executives alongside holding fast successfully to the adjustment in the outer condition. The last advance is to audit the adjusted hazard the board with that of the present situation. This will assist with distinguishing the shortcomings and viability of the raisk the board. References Christoffersen, P. F. (2012).Elements of money related hazard the board. Scholarly Press. Khodakarami, V., Abdi, A. (2014). Undertaking cost hazard investigation: A Bayesian systems approach for displaying conditions between cost items.International Journal of Project Management,32(7), 1233-1245. Lam, J. (2013). Operational Risk Management.Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls, Second Edition, 237-270. Li, W. (2014).Risk appraisal of intensity frameworks: models, techniques, and applications. John Wiley Sons. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015).Quantitative hazard the board: Concepts, procedures and devices. Princeton college press. Menoni, S., Molinari, D., Parker, D., Ballio, F., Tapsell, S. (2012). Surveying multifaceted defenselessness and versatility so as to configuration chance relief strategies.Natural Hazards,64(3), 2057-2082. Pritchard, C. L., PMP, P. R. (2014).Risk administration: ideas and direction. CRC Press. Raspotnig, C., Opdahl, A. (2013). Looking in danger distinguishing proof strategies for wellbeing and security requirements.Journal of Systems and Software,86(4), 1124-1151.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive GMAT Impact Mastering Official Guide Sentence Correction Problems

Blog Archive GMAT Impact Mastering Official Guide Sentence Correction Problems When it comes to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this weekly blog series,  Manhattan GMAT’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Are you struggling to improve your Sentence Correction (SC) performance? Do you love studying official problems but hate trying to decipher the sometimes mystifying official explanations? Do you want to throw your Official Guide for GMAT  Review, 13th  Edition (OG13), across the room when you read yet another explanation that says an answer choice is “wordy” or “awkward”? We at Manhattan Prep are very excited to announce that our new book, The Official Guide Companion for Sentence Correction (OGSC), will hit bookshelves on December 3! The book contains, among other things, our own explanations for every single one of the 159 SC problems contained in the OG13. If something is “awkward,” there is a real reason whyâ€"and we explain that specific reason to you so that you can start to pick out similar faulty constructions in other problems in the future. (Did you know that most of the time, “wordy and awkward” are code words for an ambiguous or illogical meaning? The OGSC will help you learn to decipher these for yourself!) We also tell you the SC process for getting through any SC question efficiently and effectively. We discuss how to eliminate each wrong answer in terms that are easy for students (not just teachers) to understand. The book also includes an extra section on sentence structure and a glossary of common grammar terms. In addition, OG Archer, our Official Guide study companion program, now contains all these explanations. If you already have access to OG Archer, you can view these explanations immediately. (If you are in one of our study programs, including our nine-week classes, tutoring or guided self-study programs, then you already have access to Archer. If you have never used it, start today!) If you want to get a hard copy of the book, it will be available on our site starting December 3. You can also preorder a copy on Amazon. Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact Blog Archive GMAT Impact Mastering Official Guide Sentence Correction Problems With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. In this weekly blog series,  Manhattan GMAT’s  Stacey Koprince  teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Are you struggling to improve your Sentence Correction (SC) performance? Do you love studying official problems but hate trying to decipher the sometimes mystifying official explanations? Do you want to throw your Official Guide for GMAT  Review, 13th  Edition (OG13), across the room when you read yet another explanation that says an answer choice is “wordy” or “awkward”? Manhattan Preps book The Official Guide Companion for Sentence Correction (OGSC) contains, among other things, our own explanations for every single one of the 159 SC problems contained in the OG13. If something is “awkward,” there is a real reason whyâ€"and we explain that specific reason to you so that you can start to pick out similar faulty constructions in other problems in the future. (Did you know that most of the time, “wordy” and “awkward” are code words for an ambiguous or illogical meaning? The OGSC will help you learn to decipher these for yourself!) We also tell you the SC process for getting through any SC question efficiently and effectively. We discuss how to eliminate each wrong answer in terms that are easy for students (not just teachers) to understand. The book also includes an extra section on sentence structure and a glossary of common grammar terms. In addition, OG Archer, our Official Guide study companion program, now contains all these explanations. If you already have access to OG Archer, you can view these explanations immediately. (If you are in one of our study programs, including our nine-week classes, tutoring or guided self-study programs, then you already have access to Archer. If you have never used it, start today!) If you want to get a hard copy of the book, it is available on our site and on Amazon. Share ThisTweet GMAT Impact

Monday, May 25, 2020

Things Fall Apart - 2014 Words

Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe?s Things Fall Apart is a narrative story that follows the life of an African man called Okonkwo. The setting of the book is in eastern Nigeria, on the eve of British colonialism in Africa. The novel illustrates Okonkwo?s struggles, triumphs, and his eventual downfall, all of which basically coincide with the Igbo?s society?s struggle with the Christian religion and British government. In this essay I will give a biographical account of Okonwo, which will serve to help understand that social, political, and economic institutions of the Igbos. At the beginning of the novel Okonkwo was a fairly wealthy and well-respected member of the Igbo society, but it had not always been that way for him.†¦show more content†¦This is the reason why Obrierika reprimands Okonkwo for taking part on Ikenfuma?s death. Shortly after Ikenfuma?s killing, the man who originally warned Okonkwo not to participate in his son?s death dies. This is a type of forwarning that something ba d is about to happen to Okonkwo and his family. Ikenfuma was like his son, and it displeased the earth and their ancestors that he did this. Twins were left in the forest to die by their parents because they were not accepted in the Igbo culture, they were an offense to the earth, but Nwoye had trouble understanding this, as well as many other practices of the Igbos. The next major event occurs in chapter thirteen, where Okonkwo?s gun misfires and he accidentally kills a young man during a wedding celebration. The only acceptable thing for Okonkwo to do is to flee to his mother?s tribe, where he would be exiled for seven years. After Okonkwo and his family departed, the clansmen went and burned down his obi?s and his compound. Everything that Okonkwo had worked for had been destroyed. This is very symbolic. Although the death was accidental, Okonkwo had to make amends with the earth goddess and his clansmen by leaving. His friends burnt down his buildings because they had to reconcile with the earth goddess. Okonkwo was exiled to live with his mother?s family in a place called Mbanta. He and his family were taken in by his mother?s brother, Uchendu. He is given a plot of land toShow MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart910 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Okonkwo Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a novel about a man in West Africa. It tells about his triumphs and trial ultimately leading to his demise. It explains how the â€Å"white man† came into his country and took over. It show you how the â€Å"white man† mad things fall apart. Okonkwo was a very large and tall man. He had big bushy eyebrows and a huge nose. As stated in Things Fall Apart, â€Å"He was tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look (3-4).† He was extremelyRead MoreThings fall apart1057 Words   |  5 Pages Reflection on the novel Things Fall Apart The Idea of Culture in Things Fall Apart The novel Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe is a story about personal beliefs, customs and also about conflict. There is struggle between family and within culture and it also deals with the concept of culture and the notion of the values and traditions within a culture. The word culture is Latin and means to cultivate. To cultivate has several meanings; it can mean to plow, fertilize, raise and plantRead MoreThings Fall Apart875 Words   |  4 PagesOkonkwo is a tragic hero in Things Fall Apart Question ( 2 ): Discuss Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe s â€Å"Things Fall Apart† is a tragic hero. Answer: In Chinua Achebe’s novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart† Okonkwo is a tragic hero. Aristotle’s Poetics defines a Tragic Hero as a good man of high status who displays a tragic flaw ‘hamartia’ and experiences a dramatic reversal ‘peripeteia’, as well as an intense moment of recognition ‘anagnorisis’. Okonkwo is a leader and hardworking member of the Igbo communityRead MoreThings Fall Apart977 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferently by two different readers? Things Fall Apart Language and Literature Things fall apart is a novel written by Chinua Achebe. It is set during the late 19th, early 20th century in a small village named Umuofia situated in Nigeria. This time period is important because it was a period in colonial history when the British were increasing their influence economic, cultural, and political influence in Africa. The novel deals with the rise and fall of Okonkwo, a man from the village ofRead MoreThings Fall Apart818 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish oral presentation Cultural strengths of the Ibo society before the invasion of the colons. The novel Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe describes the social and cultural traits of a culture based on the principles of labor and masculinity, conformity and kinship and finally on solid juridical system. The worth of a man was measured by his strength and the amount of work he could accomplish and how efficiently feed his family, the concepts of masculinity is strictly related withRead MoreThings Fall Apart2539 Words   |  11 PagesSociety (Things Fall Apart) Women are often thought of as the weaker, more vulnerable of the two sexes. Thus, women’s roles in literature are often subdued and subordinate. In Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, women are repressed by an entrenched structure of the social repression. Women suffer great losses in this novel but, also in certain circumstances, hold tremendous power. Achebe provides progressively changing attitudes towards women’s role. At first glance, the women in Things Fall Apart mayRead More Things Fall Apart Essay763 Words   |  4 PagesChinua Achebes Things Fall Apart shows an odd similarity between the cultures of Ancient Greece and the Lower Niger. Despite the fact that two societies can exist during different periods of time and have conflicting cultural values, their stories and behavior can have surprising overlaps. Things Fall Apart is structured like a Greek Tragedy in its use of a chorus and in the presence of a tragic hero whose actions ultimately lead to his downfall. The Egwugwu from Things Fall Apart act like the chorusRead More Things Fall Apart Essay714 Words   |  3 PagesThings Fall Apart Opposites do not Attract In Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Mr. Brown, the first missionary in Umuofia, was a kind and respectful man. Not to say that Reverend James Smith was not, but his degree of kindness and respect were present in a whole different level. They both wanted to convert the lost, all those in Umuofia that were not in the church. Mr. Brown made friends with the clan and â€Å"trod softly on his faith,† (pg.178) while Mr. Smith told them how thingsRead MoreSummary Of Things Fall Apart 716 Words   |  3 PagesJory Alkhudair Mr. Meister English 10th 26 October 2017 Things Fall Apart I am writing about Ekwefi , Okonkwo’s second wife, and who was once the village beauty. Ekwefi is also the mother of Ezinma , Okonkwo’s only daughter . Ezinma is her only surviving child, her other nine died in infancy. Ekwefi constantly fears that she will lose Ezinma too. The festival was only three days away. We were scrubbing the walls and the huts with red earthRead MoreColonialism In Things Fall Apart1824 Words   |  8 Pageswritten by Chinua Achebe which shows the main theme of the novel Things Fall Apart, and even represents the theme within the article, â€Å"The Benefits of British Rule†. There are many cultures with different values or practices that might seem obscure to one group but normal to another, therefore no one can determine what culture is wrong or right, but it s up to society to determine the best way of life. The novel Things Fall Apart and the article â€Å"The Benefits of British Rule† examine two different

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Importance of Occupational Stress for a Company - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2392 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Executive summary This report describes what is occupational stress and illustrates the importance of occupational stress for the company. First, this report is based on the background of Apple Inc and research the reasons for occupational stress of the staffs and the influence of occupational stress. In this report which collected Apples background information and financial situation, through these data and market background to analyze why Apple staffs have occupational stress to get a certain conclusion. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Importance of Occupational Stress for a Company" essay for you Create order Some of the issues are from the staffs work environment, some issues are effected by the impact of the market environment and analyze the causes of occupational stress such as workload, staffs status, economic factors all would affect the levels of stress. Then it according to which the reason to list some suggestions for how to solve the occupational stress for the company. Occupational stress the need to resolve both from the perspective of the company and employees. Content 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Main body 2.1 Methodology 2.2 Results and Findings. 2.3 Discussion 3.0 Conclusions and recommendations 4.0 Reference: 1.0 Introduction Occupational stress is a big problem for many workers and which affect their work status and also would influence the development of the company. This report will introduce the occupational stress of staffs who work in Apple Inc and analyze the causes of the occupational stress and will give some solutions for Apple Inc to chang e this phenomenon. Apple is a company which focus on design, manufactures, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players, and sells a variety of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions, and third party digital content and applications (Annual Report 2014). Apple has become the second-largest information technology company in the world and which is also the third-largest mobile phone maker in the world (Annual Report 2014). Apple became the first U.S company its values is over $700 billion and became the largest publicly trade corporation in the world on 25th,11,2014 (Financial Post 2014). There are 437 retail stores in ifiteen countries which has 72,800 staffs work for them as of 2014 (Annual Report 2014). Apple also operates the online Apple Store and iTunes Store which has become the largest music retailer in the world. Apple is a big company which annual revenue in 2014 totaled US$182 billion (F inancial Post 2014). Apple has the high level of brand loyalty which also become the worlds most valuable brand. Apple devotes itself to use its innovative hardware, software and services which will provide the best user experience to the customers (Annual Report 2014). The strategy of Apple is design and apply its own operating systems, hardware, application software for their customers. Apple believes knowledgeable salespersons who provide the high-quality service and buying experience for the customers can attract and retain more customer for company (Annual Report 2014). So Apple are pay more attention on training the salespersons that can express the value of the products and put up the best service. According to this situation, the staffs who work for Apple will have the large occupational stress. Occupational stress which is the stress when the people are working. World Health Organizations give the definition of the occupational stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope (World Health Organization 2015). Stress sometimes happen in a widely work environment which have little support from their manager and colleagues will make people feel occupational stress during their work time (World Health Organization 2015). Sometime the bad management and practice will bring the pressure or challenge for staffs (Lazarus Folkman, 1984). Occupational stress which is unavoidable at the workplace, it is a normal condition. Owing to the condition of the contemporary work environment which has large demands form staffs (Lazarus 1991). So the occupational stress is acceptable even which can help staffs to keep alert, motivated and remind them to learn more knowledge and technology to keep them to be excellent (Lazarus 1991). However, the occupational stress becomes excessive which will hurt staffs health and psychology even affec t the performance of the company. The problem of occupational stress has become the great concern focused by many people. People always need to through work to reflect their value in this society so the stress keep increasing for staffs (Szymanski, 1999). For example, the global economy is changing rapidly which would affect the company development. Thus the company need to increase their develop speed and efficiency and change their company cultures to be stronger to develop in the market. According to this condition which would give more occupational stress for staffs, they need to more things to adapt the change of the company and economic. For the development of Apple Inc, through the right ways to face occupational stress, will help staffs relieve stress which is very necessary. Therefore, this report will analyze in detail about the causes and impact of occupational stress from different aspects. Finally, this report will give some suggestions about how to relieve occupatio nal stress, which can help staffs work better and help Apple to have better development for their future. 2.0 Main body 2.1 Methodology To finish this report there are some point need to achieve: 1. Use the secondary research to collect the information of Apple Inc 2. List the data of the Apple Inc 3. Identify the cause and effect of occupational stress of the Apples staffs 4. List the results and findings 5. Give the following recommendations 2.2 Results and Findings Figure 1 Different areas Sales Data 2014 Change 2013 Change 2012 Net Sales by Operating Segment: Americas $ 65,232 4% $ 62,739 9% $ 57,512 Europe 40,929 8% 37,883 4% 36,323 Greater China 29,846 17% 25,417 13% 22,533 Japan 14,982 11% 13,462 27% 10,571 Rest of Asia Pacific 10,344 (7)% 11,181 4% 10,741 Retail 21,462 6% 20,228 7% 18,828 Total net sales $ 182,795 7% $ 170,910 9% $156,508 Figure 2: Sales by Product: 2014 Change 2013 Change 2012 Net Sales by Product: iPhone $ 101,991 12% $ 91,279 16% $78,692 iPad 30,283 (5)% 31,980 3% 30,945 Mac 24,079 12% 21,483 (7)% 23,221 iPod 2,286 (48)% 4,411 (21)% 5,615 iTunes, Soft ware and Services 18,063 13% 16,052 25% 12,890 Accessories 6,093 7% 5,706 11% 5,145 Total net sales $182,795 7% $170,910 9% $156,508 Figure 3: Unit Sales by Product 2014 Change 2013 Change 2012 Unit Sales by Product iPhone 169,219 13% 150,257 20% 125,046 iPad 67,977 (4)% 71,033 22% 58,310 Mac 18,906 16% 16,341 (10)% 18,158 iPod 14,377 (45)% 26,379 (25)% 35,165 In the figure 1 which shows the net sales increased 7% and 11.9 one billion from 2014 to 2013 (Annual Report 2014). This due to the sales of iPhone; Mac; iTunes, Software and Services; and Accessories was increased (Annual Report 2014). From the figure 1 and 2 display the reason of successful increased net sales and unit sales is introduction of iPhone 5s and 5c in 2013 and in 2014 the expanded distribution is owing to the launch of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Apples net sales and unit sales increased was mainly due to the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro which updated in 2014 for a faster processor and saled at lower prices to receive a strong demand (Annual Report 2014). Net sales of iTunes, software and services was mainly due to a net increase in revenue from growth through App Store, AppleCare and licensing. For the iPads net sales and unit sales in 2014 compared to 2013 which declined because of the lower unit sales. During 2014, growth in total net sales also continued to decline also b ecause of the negative effects of iPod sales. All Company segments increased net sales in 2014, the growth was strongest in Greater China and Japan operating segment showed from the figure 1 (Annual Report 2014). In the first quarter of 2014, the company launched the iPad the air, its fifth-generation iPad and iPad mini with Retina display. In June 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference, the company announced iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite (Annual Report 2014). In September 2014, the Company launched the iPhone 6 and 6 and release iOS 8, announced the Apple Pay, which began used in the United States in october 2014. Then the company also previewed Apple Watch is expected to be in early calendar 2015. The company launched the iPad AIR 2, iPad 3 Mini, iMac with Retina 5K Display and updated the Mac mini; and released OS X Yosemite in 2014 (Annual Report 2014). During 2014, the company completed the acquisition of the business, including the music beats, LLC, which offers a subscription streami ng music service, and beats Electronics, LLC, which makes the acquisition of Beats headphones, speakers, and audio software (Annual Report 2014). These are the condition of the Apple Inc which will affect the work condition of the staffs. 2.3 Discussion There are lots of causes of occupational stress in different areas such as in workplace, change in the workplace or home life but in this report it would just analyze the cause from workplace of Apple staffs. In workplace the workload is a big issues for staffs, quantitative workload, qualitative workload and under load all will affect staffs (Calnan,Wainwright, Forsythe, Almond, 2001). Apple staffs have the large workload which need to do lots of things such as introduce the all function and data of products which customers interested as well as recommend new products to customers. The staffs need to remember all things with any Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products and also need to remember the new products which are launch recen tly. In the workplace, the staffs status also will influence the levels of stress (Calnan,Wainwright, Forsythe, Almond, 2001). Although the work pressure has affected the potential of employees; those who have very little impact on the company will make major decisions. However, less powerful staffs are more likely to suffer from stress than powerful staffs. Managers and other staffs all easily to work overload. Under the overload work the staffs in Apple all will feel occupational stress. In fact, the managers of Apple they will have more stress because they need to a lot of importation decision of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operation. They need to consider lots of different condition of their decision. Anyone decision they carried out which are related to the large number of staffs, all spent their lots of time and energy. In 21st century, economic factors is normal issue that staffs need to face it and it also increase the stress levels for the staffs (Calnan,Wainwright, Fors ythe, Almond, 2001). Now there are computer and communications times which have affect all companies need to be more efficient and productive (Calnan,Wainwright, Forsythe, Almond, 2001). However this phenomenon make the greater competition in the market and which would put more stress on staffs. For the Apple staffs the compete globally between each company is the most serious problem which make them feel very stress. Each year, Apple need launch different types new product to their customers to ensure the sales volume and retain and attract more customers. But different types of products launch will affect each sale of products such as sale of iPhone increased but the sales of iPod decline sharply. So the staff need to improve the sale of each product which is a tough thing for them. When Apples staffs feel occupational stress, they will can not work seriously, sometimes will create unnecessary mistakes when they are working which also would bring some losses for the company. Oc cupational stress makes staffs inefficiency, it will affect the companys performance. So pay attention to occupational stress on the staffs for Apple is very necessary. 3.0 Conclusions and recommendations Apple Inc is a mature company, which has advanced technology, good products, and achieve a very good reputation and sales, but if Apple wants to maintain its current success and achieve better development, it must focus on staffs occupational stress. Staffs are very important for Apple Inc, if no staffs do the research of the product and develop new products, develop the strategies for company, implementation sales that would not be the success for Apple. So Apple Inc need to focus on the companys development and also requires to pay attention on the situation of staffs to ease their occupational stress which would will bring better development to Apple. Apple Inc need to ensure the workload is same with the staffs abilities which can make sure the workload staffs can rece ived. The manager also can give the monitor workload and give the staffs some chance to train themselves and improve their skills. In each stage of staffs can give them some rewards to encourage staffs to work better. The managers of Apple also need to make more communications with staffs to realize the condition of the staffs work. Telecommuting is another way for the company to help them reduce occupational stress (Gajendran Harrison 2008). Employees defined telecommuting as an alternative work arrangement in which employees perform tasks elsewhere that are normally done in a primary or central workplace, for at least some portion of their work schedule, using electronic media to interact with others inside and outside the organization (Gajendran Harrison 2008). Telecommuting get a high rating of support that it allows staffs have more ability to control over how to arrange their work. Staffs working at home will have less stress which also can get balance between work and li fe and give the higher performance to their managers. The staffs also need to learn how to release the stress. The staffs need to have more communication with their manager and tell them the issues, feedback and stress then the staffs would receive some suggestion to help release the stress. The staffs also need to take care of the health through the enough sleep exercise and healthy diet which would help staffs to cope the demands at work better. Ensure take a rest every day or outgoing to relax themselves. Staffs also can take everything in plan that will help them manage their time. Finally, staffs need to deal with the stress positive without worry too much. According to these ways will help Apple Inc to solve most of staffs occupational stress but the stress can not solve thorough so keep pay more attention on occupational stress will help Apple development better. 4.0 Reference: Apple Inc. (2014) ANNUAL REPORT Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2015) Financial Post (2014) Apple Inc market cap tops US$700B, double what it was when Tim Cook took over as CEO Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2015) Gajendran,Ravi and Harrison,David. (2008)Telecommuting Win-Win For Employees And Employers.Journal of Applied Psychology92.6 (Accessed: 4 April 2015) Lazarus, R. S., Folkman, S. (1984). Stress Appraisal and Coping. New York: Springer. (Accessed: 2 April 2015) Lazarus, R.S. (1991). Psychological stress in the workplace. In P.L. Perrewe (Ed.), Handbook on Job Stress (pp. 1-13). Corte Madera, CA: Select Press. (Accessed: 2 April 2015) Szymanski, E.M. (1999). Disability, job stress, the changing nature of careers, and the career resilience portfolio. Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin, 42, 279-284. (Accessed: 2 April 2015) Szymanski, E.M. (1999). Disa bility, job stress, the changing nature of careers, and the career resilience portfolio. Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin, 42, 279-284.(Accessed: 4 April 2015) World Health Organization (2015) Stress at the workplace Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2015)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Religion And Its Origins - 855 Words

This chapter was exactly like Vavova’s chapter as it was defending morals from debunkers. The author merely formed a defense for keeping his religious beliefs. The author had four parts of his argument. He introduces the arguments and claims that he can defend religion. In the introduction, the author puts out a hypothetical situation where a person, Fred, believes in evolution and God. Fred can see that evolution does not include whether not God is involved. The author claims that this is similar to a debunking argument, but he can defend a religious belief. The author then goes over the structure of his argument and requests patience from the reader on the matter. In the second part of his argument, the author explains religion and its origins. According to psychologists, folk theories are universal processes of human thought and we have found a lot of them. However the fact that we have folk theories does not explain why we have them. Debunking does not argue about whether cognitive evolution is true, it argues around the implications if it were true. Belief forming processes must be truth tracking. However, does that meant that evolution forces us into skepticism? The author doesn’t believe so, because of the possibility of a Milvian Bridge. Natural selection would help if it selected for the truth. Targets of beliefs should be causes of beliefs, making them remote and proximate. This is his detailed account of a Milvian Bridge. The author then goes on to define reasonShow MoreRelatedThe Origin Of The Egyptian Religion1113 Words   |  5 PagesHorus is one of the oldest and most meaningful deities in agent Egyptian religion. He was w orshiped through the late predynastic period and through the Greco Roman times. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Strategic Analysis Of Whole Foods Market - Free Sample

Questions: 1) A critical review of the organisations environment. This should encompass both the external/macro and market environments. You should use appropriate strategic models and provide a conclusion as to the nature of the environment faced by the subject organisation. 2) A critical review of the culture and leadership of the organisation. You should review these factors and consider their impact on the strategic decisions made. Your review may include consideration of the history of the organisation, its mission and its leadership development.3) A critical review of the strategic options available to the organisation in the future. Your answer will of course be partly imaginary but should reflect the resources or the organisation and the environment faced. Answers: Introduction Strategic management refers to the process of formulating and implementing objectives and initiatives by an organisations management system, by considering all available resources along with assessing both the internal and external environments that the organisation competes in. Strategic management is all about identifying and describing strategies that managers make use of so as to achieve improved performance and any form of competitive advantage; competitive advantage refers to the state in which an organisations profitability is much higher than the average profitability of other organisations or companies of the same industry. Another definition of strategic management would be the act of managers undertaking decisions that affect the firms performance. For this reason, it is highly essential for managers to possess thorough knowledge and be able to produce an analysis of the organisational competitive environment (Shriberg, 2005. For instance, the system must be able to conduct SWOT analysis i.e. effective use of strengths and opportunities and minimization of threats and weaknesses should be ensured. This form of management simply plans for both the predictable and impractical contingencies along with being applicable to both large and small organisations. In other words, strategic management can be said to be the way in which objectives are simply set and attained so as to identify what direction the organisation is heading in (Shriberg, 2005). It simply deals with the process of creation and implementation of decisions affecting the organisations future. One is required to understand that strategic management is a process that is continous in nature, which controls evaluates the business that the organisation is involved in; it simply evaluates the organisations competitors by creating strategies and goals that meet all potential and existing competitors. This is followed by re-evaluating all strategies for their implementation and success, on a regular basis and then deciding whether if any form of replacement is required or not. Strategic management provides employees within an organisation with a broader perspective for them to understand the importance of their own jobs and how it fits into the organisational plan along with its relation to other members of the organisation. It can be regarded as the art of management of employees that results in maximization of achievement of any form of business goals and objectives (Shriberg, 2005). Employees are required to identify the affect of environmental changes on the organisation and formulate a probable response using strategic management. In the following report, a strategic analysis of Whole Foods Market is conducted; it focuses on the strategic management system implemented by the organisation and its outcomes. 1. Critical Review of Organisations Environment Whole Foods Market is a multinational organisation that functions as a retailer of natural and organic foods and has established a dominant position in the natural and organic food industry. Whole Foods Market is considered the largest chain of organic and natural foods in the United States that has competitors with several strategic plans and groups including natural/organic retailers of food, mass merchandisers, traditional grocers etc. However, due to its expansion and scale, Whole Foods Market holds a firm competitive position in this industry along with brand superiority that provides its customers with a premium experience of shopping. It has successfully managed to differentiate itself from other competitors by primarily focusing on organic good products (Bliss, 2011). Due to this reason, this organisation has an approximate share of 33.6% in the U.S, with no other competitive organisation anywhere close to this achievement. Whole Foods Market experiences competition from orga nisations such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, The Fresh Market and other local farmer markets. However, Whole Foods Market has a competitive advantage over other organisations since it happens to be the first largest mover within the organic retail industry. Organisational environment refers to the environment that is directly responsible for achievements of the organisations goals and objectives. It is essential to recognize the external forces that constantly affect an organisations performance along with its effectiveness, thus, making it imperative for an organisation to thoroughly examine the components of its internal and external environment. Detailed examination of such components will provide the organisation with an understanding of the extensive dynamics changes that may and are occurring. The external environment or also referred to as the macro environment simply consists of all those factors that have an indirect affect on the organisation; these include of external forces such as economic, political or legal, technological and socio-cultural forces. On the other hand, the internal environment or also referred to as the task environment consists of factors that directly affect the organisational working; it includes of vari ables such as suppliers, customers, competition and labour (Business Legal Reports, 2007). The organisational environment holds utmost importance since its unpredictability will render an organisation to be ineffective; for this reason, the management should ensure affective environmental scanning. In context of Whole Foods Market, the environmental factors with utmost importance and relevance to the organisations business are regulatory factors, market size, supplier channels, demographic trends, technological developments, social considerations along with consumer habits. These factors specifically impact and are more favourable to the natural and organic food retail industry rather than overall industry of grocery due to the possibility of great market growth along with increased or heightened numbers of consumer adoption; the perceived wellness and health benefits allow customers to willingly pay a premium price (Hinkin, 2010). The following is a detailed environmental analysis of Whole Foods Market when compared to regular food retail businesses: Environmental Factors General Food Retail Natural and Organic Retail Market Growth $907 Billion $76 Billion Annual Growth -0.9% 5% Demographic Trends The food choices of consumers suggest that wellness and health have become an increasing priority. Additionally, all consumers have now become more eco-conscious. Due to economic improvement, consumers are now considering organic baskets. The is a segment that specifically caters to only rich shoppers Regulatory Factors Many regulations exist; for instance, FDA approval is required when introducing new food products into the market. For organic food markets, the regulations become more intensive and heavier in nature; approval from EDA, CPSC, EPA, USDA ETC is required. Technological Development Online shopping is turning into a new trend; for instance may organisations such as Fresh Direct, Amazon Fresh or Relay Foods, operate online. Several innovations within the organic food industry are being introduced. One example would the introduction of almond milk or hydroponic vegetables. Suppliers Wide range of suppliers available. Only fair-trade, organic local sourcing and fair-shade are made a priority. Consumer Preferences or Social Factors Consumers remain fairly sensitive when it comes to price of food items. The social factors incorporate the movement of social culture towards increasing environmental awareness and increased support towards sustainability. Additionally, the society seems to be migrating towards attaining an experiencing economy. The perceived wellness and health benefits allow customers to willingly trade up and pay a premium price for certain items of food. When it comes to food retail of products that are valued for their quality, health and other involved factors, customers are less likely to be sensitive towards the food items price. Additionally, we can always count on high brand loyalty. Political-Legal Pressures Regulations regarding the good standards exist and are expected to be met by the organisation. Increased awareness regarding food safety along with increased regulations that specify food standards. Furthermore, consumer awareness of the organic food introduced by Whole Foods Market is a significant factor affecting the organisation. As previously mentioned, due to the perceived wellness and health benefits allow customers to willingly pay a premium price; in the recent years, an approximate purchase of 82% of organic food products has been recorded. Though, it is important to understand that the supply of organic food products may not always meet customer demands especially in areas with low density of organic farms. For this reason, it is highly essential for the organisation to conduct a strategic assessment that takes into consideration all the environmental factors that may affect the organisations performance and growth. Strategic environmental assessment or SEA, is a process outline by the organisation that allows the company to take up and integrate environmental considerations when planning and preparing programs or strategies (Kunreuther, 2009). The main purpose of the strategic environmental assessment is to provide the environment with high levels of protection and promote sustainable development; this is achieved by integrating several environmental considerations when preparing and adopting all essential plans, programmes and strategies. By incorporating the strategic environmental assessment, Whole Foods Market can strategically assess all the factors affecting the environment within its organisation and accordingly take up measures that will reduce the effect of these factors on its performance and growth, ensuring further progress and success. 2. Critical Review of Culture and Leadership at Whole Foods Market Organisational cultural can be defined as the behaviours and values contributing to the psychological and social environment within an organisation. It may include experiences, expectations, values and philosophies that hold the organisation together; these may be expressed in the organisations inner workings, self-image, future expectations and the interactions it makes with the outside world. In other words, organisational culture is observable and consistent behavioural pattern within an organisation i.e. something that we repeatedly do. It can be said to be based on shared customs, beliefs, written unwritten rules, attitudes etc. that may have been developed over a particular period of time and consequently are considered valid by the organisation. Organisational culture or also known as corporate culture becomes evident and is revealed in the ways the organisation treats its customers, employees the community and when it conducts business. Similarly, the culture of an organisational becomes apparent when discussing the extent of freedom that is given to employees when developing new ideas, in decision making or personal expression. Additionally, the commitment employees show towards the organisations objectives and the hierarchy of information flow power within the organisation, speak a lot about the organisations culture (Kunreuther, 2009). In other words, culture can be regarded as the sum total of rituals and values within an organisation that serves the purpose of integrating its members; it is simply a shared view of what is why is. When discussing Whole Foods Market, there are two key components of the organisation that stand out; the first component is that this organisation has carefully designed systems of practices and programs that allow the organisation to sustain their unique culture across all its stores. For instance, the hiring process is participative in nature i.e. all team members are provided with an opportunity to participate at all levels in the selection process of all immediate members along with senior executives. Furthermore, the organisation arranges for events like vision days, future search, and tribal gatherings, that allow stakeholders and team members to bond, realign with each others values culture and simply co-create an integrated vision (Our core values, 2011). Also, for new and current team members, a two day orientation session is arranged where they are given an opportunity to bond and build relationships, are provided with intensive sessions regarding the core values of Whole Foods Market along with informational sessions on the organisations culture. Team building sessions are also an essential component of their orientation program. The second key component of the organisation that standards out is that the organisation is driven by philosophies i.e. all the activities and practices taking place within the organisation are driven by several organisational philosophies, where two of them are based on the concept of shared fate and higher purpose. Their concept of shared fate simply is based on the idea of succeeding together and failing together. For this reason, the organisation ensures participation of members at all levels in the goal-planning and decision making process. All members of the organisation are give and equal participation when deciding on major actions such as strategic initiatives or staffing (Our core values, 2011). Furthermore, the concept of higher purpose is based on the idea that their business must serve a higher purpose that that of making profit. At Whole Foods Market, they encourage improvement of health and well-being by providing their customers with better nutrition and supreme quali ty food products. From what is known, all the members of the organisation are connected to the higher purpose and this purpose remains their priority throughout. Hence, the well-crafted and defined policies and practices at Whole Foods Market not only allow their team members to efficiently work towards their co-created visions along with their goals objectives but also has resulted in team members in interested in wanting to achieve them; thus, resulting in a rich organisational culture that is consistent across all their stores in the country. However, it is essential to understand that in order to maintain such a culture within the organisation, the organisation requires to be guided under effective and supreme leadership. Affective leadership development within an organisation is of utmost importance since it indirectly affects various other components within the organisation such as the organisational culture (Daft, 2008). Leadership development refers to any activity that is carried out within the organisation that allows for enhancement of leadership quality. In the organisational world, organisational success and leadership are intertwined with each other, to a great extent. Considering the traditional point of view regarding leadership, leadership comprises of superiors exercising its authority over subordinates who in turn exercise their own authority over those working for them. However, with the evolving technological, organisational and cultural changes, the definition and requirements of leadership has changed (Our core values, 2011). Due to the workforces changing nature, increased dependency on technology and development of distributed work systems, there is demand of change in how leaders are required to interact with their organisations members; this has given rise to a distributed view of leadership in general. The co-founder of Whole Foods Market, John Mackey, is known for his liberal leadership qualities that allow him to strengthen and challenge his organisation by providing them with a modern vision (Mackey, 2011). Often, Mackey is criticized for his approach to carrying out business; his approach of leadership comprises of both values and servant leadership. He believes that over control is the central and major cause of detriment and stress and restricts productivity, thus, encouraging his to take up a route that is completely different to that of the traditional route. Hence, at Whole Foods Market, servant leadership direction is encourage and managed among the employees. This leadership simply identifies a servant leaders responsibility to first consider the needs of others and then create conditions for them that allow them to become leaders themselves. Under such leadership, team members are authorized to themselves in the values of the organisation. Furthermore, as mentioned abov e, value leadership is also a type that is greatly emphasized at Whole Foods Market; this leadership is similar to servant leadership since it also uses a normative approach (Our core values, 2011). The key elements of this leadership are identified to be inspiration, service, trust, vision, intuition, empowerment and continous learning. Whether it is servant or values leadership, Whole Food Markets believe in forming relationship patterns that do not rely on values influenced by external control but on those that provide the organisation with personal and social meaning to collectively get the work done, collaboratively make decisions, facilitate planning sharing and promote mutual responsibility. 3. Critical Review of Strategic Options In order to think strategically, the committee of management that is involved requires them to analyse the organisations external and internal environment along with becoming responsive to a change. Sometimes, the challenges that the management will be presented with will be rather difficult to deal with, causing them to making sever decisions regarding the activities being conducted or taking place (Kunreuther, 2009). In such circumstances, it becomes essential for the management committee to have a look at the strategic options available to them that would want to take up so as to successfully overcome the situation. The following are some of the strategic options that Whole Foods Market may be open to: Strategic Option Detail Maintaining Simply refers to the act of continuing with the services that they are providing their customers and employees with along with the activities that they are conducting. Retrench Refers to the reduction or closing of any current services or activities. They may deny working in particular geographical areas. Quantitative Expansion Refers to the possibility of increasing the number of employees or clients. They may also consider increasing the extent of provision. Switch Strategy Simply refers to the switch their services from one client to a completely unrelated group of clients. They may consider changing their client service conditions or their type of service or their geographical location. Collaborate The organisation may want to develop closer of more partnerships with either existing or new clients or agencies. The increase in such collaborative measures will allow the organisation to affectively improve the success rate of their business. New related strategy Refers to the created of new strategies by the committee that may be related to the client, or the service being provided or the geographical location of their organisation etc. Reduce costs They may want to consider reduction in the costs of a service being provided or an activity being conducted or the costs for a particular geographical location. By reducing their costs, they will allow the organisation to consider spending in additional activities or services, which in turn will allow the organisation to improve the success rate of its business. Experiment They organisation may consider experimenting with a new group of clients or a new kind of service or relocating themselves to a new geographical location. Expand Boundary Again, the organisation may want to expand their boundaries regarding a service being provided, activities being conducted, new client group and their geographical location. Piggyback Simply refers to the act of developing services that are free-earning in nature so as to subsidise other activities; these may include cross subsidy of activities being conducted. Improve quality One strategic option would be to improve the quality of the services and activities they provide their clients or customers with. This may also be in the form of changing their geographical location so as to reach out to a wider range of communities. Unrelated expansion The organisation may want to consider expanding their services and activities to unrelated organisations, clients, customers etc. They may even provide them with unrelated services in an unrelated area. It is important to understand that when in need of a change, the pros and cons of the each option being considered, should be given utmost attention while keeping in mind the mission and vision of the organisation during consideration. The management of Whole Foods Market will be required to carefully think through the process they will take up in order to mange this change process. One should understand that any strategic business option should be designed for the purpose of achieving and bringing success to the organisation rather than failure (Shriberg, 2005). For this reason, it is highly crucial for the Whole Foods Markets management committee to capitalize the stronger capabilities of the organisation and exploit the greatest opportunities that are available to them along with reducing any forms of ricks that may be associated with environmental threats towards the organisation or may become a weakness for them. As mentioned previously, the primary requirement of a strategic business option should be to develop strategy that covers two major dimensions that are achieving success and avoiding any type of failure especially in situations when things may go wrong. Thus, the strategy taken up by the organisation may provide the organisation with a good chance of achieving along with exceeding it. However, at the same time, it should not expose the Whole Foods Markets organisation to any risks that may bring down its performance. For this reason, the strategy adapted by the organisation must fully utilize the organisations most impressive strengths along with correcting or neutralizing all its major weaknesses. Additionally, the Whole Foods Market must work on either reducing or completely eliminating the impact of all the threats on the organisation. This can be achieved by exploiting any extremely rated opportunity coming their way (Wegmans Food Market, 2007). Also, the adopted strategy must be strictly relevant and practical to the situation of the organisation along with being imaginative; imaginative in the sense of engaging the team members of staff while implementing the strategy. Their organisation may want to focus on standing out in the food industry, avoiding becoming an imitation of what other organisations may already be doing or plan to do. Consequently, this will strengthen the organisations competitive position within the industry or enterprise. In fact, they have already achieved this since it has successfully managed to differentiate itself from other competitors by primarily focusing on organic good products. Conclusion Strategic management refers to the process of formulating and implementing objectives and initiatives by an organisations management system, by considering all available resources along with assessing both the internal and external environments that the organisation competes in. Strategic management can be said to be the way in which objectives are simply set and attained so as to identify what direction the organisation is heading in. It simply deals with the process of creation and implementation of decisions affecting the organisations future. Strategic management is all about identifying and describing strategies that managers make use of so as to achieve improved performance and any form of competitive advantage. Strategic management provides employees within an organisation with a broader perspective for them to understand the importance of their own jobs and how it fits into the organisational plan along with its relation to other members of the organisation. It can be regarde d as the art of management of employees that results in maximization of achievement of any form of business goals and objectives. Whole Foods Market is considered the largest chain of organic and natural foods in the United States that has competitors with several strategic plans and groups including natural/organic retailers of food, mass merchandisers, traditional grocers etc. Whole Foods Market holds a firm competitive position in this industry along with brand superiority that provides its customers with a premium experience of shopping. It has successfully managed to differentiate itself from other competitors by primarily focusing on organic good products. Whole Foods Market has a competitive advantage over other organisations since it happens to be the first largest mover within the organic retail industry. Organisational environment refers to the environment that is directly responsible for achievements of the organisations goals and objectives. It is imperative for an organisation to thoroughly examine the components of its internal and external environment. In context of Whole Foods Market, the environmental factors with utmost importance and relevance to the organisations business are regulatory factors, market size, supplier channels, demographic trends, technological developments, social considerations along with consumer habits. In other words, culture can be regarded as the sum total of rituals and values within an organisation that serves the purpose of integrating its members; it is simply a shared view of what is why is. Furthermore, organisational culture or also known as corporate culture becomes evident and is revealed in the ways the organisation treats its customers, employees the community and when it conducts business (Kunreuther, 2009).. The well-crafted and defined policies and practices at Whole Foods Market not only allow their team members to efficiently work towards their co-created visions along with their goals objectives but also has resulted in team members in interested in wanting to achieve them; thus, resulting in a rich organisational culture that is consistent across all their stores in the country. Additionally, at Whole Foods Market, servant and value leadership direction is encourage and managed among the employees. Whole Food Markets believe in forming relationship patterns that do not rely on values influenced by external control but on those that provide the organisation with personal and social meaning to collectively get the work done, collaboratively make decisions, facilitate planning sharing and promote mutual responsibility (Fairholm, 2011). Similarly, in order to think strategically, the committee of management that is involved requires them to analyse the organisations external and internal environment along with becoming responsive to a change. Often, it becomes essential for the management committee to have a look at the strategic options available to them that would want to take up so as to successfully overcome the situation. References 1. Bliss, W. G. (2011, 06). The Advisor: Cost of Employee Turnover, BLR publications2. Business and Legal Reports, Inc. (2007). Best Practices in Recruitment and Retention. 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