Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Religion And Its Origins - 855 Words

This chapter was exactly like Vavova’s chapter as it was defending morals from debunkers. The author merely formed a defense for keeping his religious beliefs. The author had four parts of his argument. He introduces the arguments and claims that he can defend religion. In the introduction, the author puts out a hypothetical situation where a person, Fred, believes in evolution and God. Fred can see that evolution does not include whether not God is involved. The author claims that this is similar to a debunking argument, but he can defend a religious belief. The author then goes over the structure of his argument and requests patience from the reader on the matter. In the second part of his argument, the author explains religion and its origins. According to psychologists, folk theories are universal processes of human thought and we have found a lot of them. However the fact that we have folk theories does not explain why we have them. Debunking does not argue about whether cognitive evolution is true, it argues around the implications if it were true. Belief forming processes must be truth tracking. However, does that meant that evolution forces us into skepticism? The author doesn’t believe so, because of the possibility of a Milvian Bridge. Natural selection would help if it selected for the truth. Targets of beliefs should be causes of beliefs, making them remote and proximate. This is his detailed account of a Milvian Bridge. The author then goes on to define reasonShow MoreRelatedThe Origin Of The Egyptian Religion1113 Words   |  5 PagesHorus is one of the oldest and most meaningful deities in agent Egyptian religion. He was w orshiped through the late predynastic period and through the Greco Roman times. 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